Saturday, November 2, 2013

What Are Normal People Clothes???

Like the title of this weeks blog? Yeah my girl Daly came up with that one, and believe me you'll understand that more once we get further into the blog post. :) 

This week has been a crazy busy week. Honestly when I lived at home I thought I was one of the most busy people to ever exsist... but boy was I wrong... you don't know busy until you are a 1st semester Dance Conservatory Major in a Dance Workshop show.... YOU HAVE NO IDEA.... but I love it so incredibly much so its totally and completely okay! :) 

This week was just a pretty standard week here at AMDA. Sunday because I have the joy of being in the Dance Workshop Show I had rehearsal all day from 10am-6pm. Yes I literally danced from 10am to 6pm, with minimal breaks in between rehearsals. We learned the Tap piece, opening number, and the girls ensemble piece for the show. Not going to lie... they are looking pretty fantastic... but I'm just saying :)  The only really sucky thing about being in rehearsal all day on Sunday is that I don't get to go to church on Sunday. Which just feels really weird being that I like never miss church on Sunday. But I called my bishop and told him about my situation and he said for me to keep doing what I'm doing and to come whenever I can! So hopefully one of these Sundays I will get lucky and I'll be able to make it to at least one meeting of church. :) I did find out when Institute is.... For those non-member readers Institute is basically just a class during the week that 18-30 year olds can go to learn and study the scriptures. It's usually like an hour to an hour and a half and its fantastic... from what I hear. hahaha Hopefully I'll be able to make it this week... KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED. hahaha I really need more Mormons back in my life. haha The rest of the week was basically just taking dance classes from 9am to 6:50pm and then rehearsals from 7pm-11pm. Really, its the most fantastic thing. I feel like I say that all the time, and I'm totally sorry if I do, but it's just so great. :) 
Oh! I'm also in the Waltz of the Fleurs Variation and the Russian Variation in the show, as well as the Closing Number... obviously. haha Now, if I can just say one thing. I really thought I had some of the strongest legs. Like I took GREAT pride in my leg strength, I really thought they were one of my best qualities haha .... well friends that isn't the case anymore. We learned the Russian variation Wednesday and we do all these crazy Russian Ballet tricks... and ITS INSANE. Really, its like the hardest dance I've ever done in my entire life.... like what the french toast. haha But I'm excited for the challenge and its going to look absolutely amazing once the 9 of us get it! GET EXCITED PEOPLE. haha 

So the picture below is of me and my girl Daly... I don't know about what you all do on Friday nights, but Fridays are the only days that I get out of school at a semi decent time, which means that's the only day I have time to go get groceries... you know to get food to live.... to get food to function, and we all know how much I really love food. So funny story about this particular shopping trip. We went to Chipotle you know as we do at the end of the week because WE SURVIVED WEEK TWO and we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home. Well on our way back to our apartment the bag handles broke, Daly started gushing blood on her arm, and we were so tired. On the plus side we got told we were pretty... which was super nice... but I was so incredibly glad to be at my place. Hence my face in the picture below. hahaha I think the flamingo on the wall adds a special touch to the photo. hahahaha 

 My roommates, Miriam and Emily, are basically the coolest people to ever walk the earth. Besides my best friends Bella Cruz, and Alison Dooley. Yes, you two just got a shout out on ze good ole blog... your welcome. :) Here they are pictured ready to go to a Halloween party... no I didn't go... I went grocery shopping and memorized the Prologue to Romeo and Juliet. You know as I do. haha

 Miriam, Emily, and Chase all ready for ze Halloween Party! 
 Room 402 does Halloween parties.... well at least 2/3rds of us tdo haha

Yes, this is a picture of me holding my BROKEN IPHONE CHARGER PLUG. Really realizing that it was broken was probably the most tragic experience of my life. Good thing I was prepared and had brought another charger plug with me from home. Yeah kids... I'm one prepared cookie. :) 
 Got my first official package from home this week! I was really incredibly excited about getting this package from my mom. It had new combat boots in it, my dance magazines, and TWO GIANT PEANUT BUTTER CUPS THE SIZE OF MY FACE. Really that was probs the best part besides my combat boots.... I really needed my other pair of em... mine are starting to literally FALL APART. It's tragic #dancemajorprobz to the extreme. 
 Me in "normal people clothes" for the first time in a week at Chipotle. Daly walked in my apartment and didn't even recognize me.... its kind of really hilarious. Every one only sees me in dance clothes with my hair in a bun. Also, I would just like to say it feels really weird being in jeans and a tshirt if all you do is wear dance clothes. REALLY WEIRD. I was normal again today... for the second day in a row. It was kind of crazy! hahaha
 Me with the Giant Peanut Butter Cup!
 Daly and I went to Target today mostly so I could get a sweater and the rest of the ingredients for me to make myself some Temple Soup and my mom's Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.... really kids... they are the BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES YOU WILL EVER CONSUME IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. So the picture above is just us documenting our target trip. :) 
Also, I don't know how you all wait for your laundry to be done but I wait in laundry baskets. Really its the best way to go. Also, speaking of laundry... I'm pretty positive all I do is wash my black leos and shorts every week. I really should invest in more from discount dance. Mom... do you have any coupons? hahaha

Let's see... I'm honestly trying to think of anything exciting that I left out from this week... nope I've got nothing.... Wait I actually have something! My tap teacher told me I should and have to be on Broadway. He basically told me to aim for Broadway and not settle for anything less. Which was extremely exciting for me to hear! It's crazy! So next semester, I will be doing voice lessons on top of everything else. :) GET EXCITED PEOPLE! :)

Hope you all have a fantastic week! Make good choices! Let the Holy Spirit Guide! Send me mail! Actually you don't have to... unless you have a burning passion to. :) Love you all!! Muahhhhh!!!!!

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