Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Most Exhausting Week of My Life

So, I'm just going to tell this to all of you up front... I haven't slept for more than 3-4 hours the past two days due to filming so if anything you read sounds somewhat crazy your welcome :) haha
This week started out just like normal. Sunday I had All Cracked Up rehearsal from 10am-6pm as you all know, and then the rest of the week I just had my normal classes. I did find out what my midterms will be though.... WARNING... if you go to a "regular" college haha you will probably hate me for telling you this.... my midterms include remembering dance combinations and performing them. THATS MY MIDTERM.... how fantastic is that?! Really y'all... its pretty freaking fantastic. I told that to my best friend Bella when I skyped her... and she almost died. hahaha it was kinda really hilarious. Wuv you Bell! :)
 Monday morning I woke up and checked my email to find a picture of one of my favorite Elders! Elder Ellis!! aka... Nate the Great! He's one of my best friends and he's currently serving in Brasilia, Brazil for a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! The reason why this photo is so incredibly awesome is because of his tie! Before he left I rhinestoned a tie for him and he took it with him to Brazil! And he asked his mom aka one of my all time favorite Seminary teachers to forward this picture of him wearing it to me! Seriously though... I was SO FREAKING EXCITED to see this haha... The End... that's the end of the story :)
 So I needed to go grocery shopping... so me and my friend Andrea who you will hear more about later went together. Also... I have a confession... I LOVE icecream... with a passion... deep in my soul. And of course you can't go to the grocery store and not go down the icecream isle.... well actually you can. But what's the fun in that. haha anyways we came upon this lovely flavor and just had to have it! So we bought it and literally sat in my car and ate the ENTIRE THING... and it was SO INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS!!! Literally all it is is peanut butter icecream with peanut butter cups in it... basically HEAVEN. It's my new favorite flavor. I think everyone should have it... so you all should go get some... like.. now :)
 My big sister Shyla sent me a package this week! I LOVE MAIL! Seriously it makes my day. hahaha so this photo just shows everyone what she sent me haha you have to document such amazing things :)
 Emily has to stretch for classes so she sat in straddle and this is me coaching her through stretching for 10 minutes.... hahaha it was intense but oh so funny haha
 This is me with my Mormon girls Reba and Mikayla! We got all dressed up Friday night and went to the LA temple! We didn't go to baptisms but we did get to go into the Visitors Center that they just built and got to walk around and talk to some Sister Missionaries which was so awesome! Especially for me... considering I haven't had the chance to go to church since I moved out here due to rehearsals. We are making it a goal to go every two weeks as our schedules permit. :)
 A picture of the temple :)
 This photo is Emily doing my hair. May seem like a normal photo but actually she was doing my hair for a web-isode that I was asked to be a part of. So this entire weekend I've been in rehearsals and such learning choreography for this show and filming it. :) which has resulted in me literally not sleeping for the past two nights. My friend Andrea got asked to do it too.... so we are the main dancers in all the episodes now, and we get to sit in all the scenes and such too! 
 So Chase really likes Pinterest... I mean WHO DOESN'T? haha But she found this idea where you print out a bunch of photos and then hang them up in a heart on the wall. So we went through all of our instagram photos, got them all printed out, and Chase spent the entire afternoon the other day hanging them up in our Kitchen! Super cute right?! :) I love us so much haha
and... this is just a random photo of me and my man Bryan while we wait to start filming. It was probs the most exhausting night of my entire life but I loved it! And it's giving me some film experience and what not. :)
So pretty much this week was just a normal week here at AMDA. I learned All That Jazz from Chicago which was awesome... not gonna lie I totally OWNED it... I mean I'm just saying. haha I also finished learning the Audition Dance Scene in 42nd street in Tap this week... that was pretty awesome to learn.. man is that one a stamina builder! haha! But it's an AMAZING show... and really that's all that matters haha
so basically...this week has just been a really tiring week. Everyone is basically walking zombies but we still pull it together and dance it out because it's what we all love to do! So thankful for the opportunities I've had out here already and can't wait for more! But really right now I'm one sleep deprived dancer who desperately needs some sleep. Hence the picture below. :) This photo is of the cast of All Cracked Up right before our final rehearsal today... literally we were all asleep! It was kinda totally hilarious!
Oh the life of dance majors! But really I'm showering then going to bed... and then I'm not waking up for a really long time. haha So Love you all! Miss you all! Make good choices! And I'll update yall again next week!!!!

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