Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Feel Like I've Lived Here Forever

So this week was Week 3 of classes here at AMDA and it was and eventful one.... kinda. Really it was just an average week of school. By now, I've settled into my place, my classes, and have a solid group of friends. All I do all day everyday is just dance... and its the most amazing thing in the entire world. Classes are going extremely well! I'm really being pushed both in my performance quality and physically. I really am starting to feel a major improvement in my dancing and I really can't wait to see where I am at the end of the semester and at the end of the school year! 

So, something I just wanted to let everyone out there know, I may not have to take math or science, but the classes here are a force to be reckoned with. I've never thought a simple acting class full of first semesters could get so serious and deep so fast. Like things get real in class. We do these exercises/games in class to help you find connections to things in your own personal life so that you can portray the emotion needed in a scene. The exercise is way to complex for me to type but I'm telling you it was one of the most emotional classes I've ever been in, but it really helped me connect with the scene in a way that I was able to pull it off successfully, and honestly I think its really going to help me with my dancing and connecting emotionally to the pieces I'm in. I'm definitely feeling lots of growth on my part in this area and it's something I really needed to work on. So major improvement is happening in that area... so that's super exciting! :) 

So, sorry I got kinda really deep there for a sec haha but onto the photos of the week! :)  

So my roommate Miriam really wanted to go dancing... so she convinced me to go with her even though I had been dancing since 10am- 6pm.... really I couldn't pass up another opportunity to do something that I absolutely love to do, so I went with and we took this lovely photo together.... I know we are kind of adorable. #yourwelcomeboys haha 

This lovely girl pictured below is one of my all time favorite people in the entire world! I met this girl at EFY this year as she was my roommate and we became EXTREMELY close in a matter of a week. For those non-LDS readers EFY is a youth conference that 14-18 year olds can go to for a week to learn and study the scriptures and grow closer to Christ. It's really one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had and have gone every chance I could. It always amazes me how close you get to people at EFY. It's kind of crazy how you can go in not knowing anyone and at the end of the week your literally family. But nonetheless back to my point, hahaha This girl Mariel finally got her mission call! She got called to serve in the Rochester, New York mission and will report to the MTC on February 5th!! I can't explain how happy and proud of this girl I am! New York is going to gain one stellar missionary!!! 

  This picture is of me and my roommate Emily. Why is this picture important you ask? Let me tell you... I never see this girl and she never sees me. The only reason we even saw each other this particular morning was because I had a 9am technique class and she had a 9am accompanist session. Otherwise she would still be sleeping. hahaha 
Josie and I were twins at Hip Hop... so naturally we had to take a photo :) 

Family dinner at Chiptole on a Friday!!

 Me with my girl Daly!!!

 I kind of totally and completely love this photo of me, Daly, and Kyle. We needed groceries so we went to Target... you know as you do... because really who doesn't like Target. Actually if any of you for some reason don't like Target... although I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't.. lie to me and say you do. I won't even mind one bit... because really I'm not sure how well I would handle life if someone told me they didn't.haha Also we may have or may not have belted WICKED songs the entire way to and from Target today... It was pretty much the BEST THING EVER. haha 
Kyle and Daly with modeling matching sweaters!

Sometimes Daly has friends from Iowa come visit her and she invites me to go along with them, so we go get gourmet donuts, and they are DELICIOUS. Really yall I had a smores doughnut... and it was HEAVEN. Just straight up heaven. haha  

Well, that's about it for this week! I basically do the same exact thing every week so I'll try to make a point to do something funny or interesting for you all throughout the week for blogging purposes. :) Oh! I did get asked to be in a student choreography piece today! So that'll be SUPER FUN! I really can't wait. So many amazing opportunities and I'm so thankful for them all. :) 

Anyways, everyone have an amazing week! Make good choices! Miss you all and Love you all!!! Muahh!!

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