Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Got Sick This Week... But I'm Better Now

Hello Everyone! This week was a doozy... just straight up a doozy. haha! Lots happened this week... so let us get right to it!
So this weekend I had the chance to be in a Webisode! We filmed all this past weekend... note that's when I got like absolutely no sleep for a solid two days.... it was INSANE! But it did give me some experience with film and commercial which is what I really needed. I'm just really grateful for the opportunity to be real honest up in here. :)
Let's see Monday we put the first half of the show together for All Cracked Up! Screening for the show is Sunday where we get to show the Artistic Staff of AMDA what we have of the show before we perform in like 4 weeks! It's crazy to think it's already been 4 weeks and in another 4 I will be performing it in front of everyone! Not gonna lie though y'all... I am like BEYOND excited for this show. I LOVE the pieces I'm in, so that just makes everything totally and completely 80 million times better. :)
This week I got sick... and it was... TRAGIC. Like literally one of the most depressing things of my entire life. If you know me at all.. you know I absolutely hate with a passion... deep in my soul... being sick. Just like everyone else... kinda. haha! I really just hate not being able to dance when I'm sick and that's a problem.... when you go to school to dance... ALL DAY LONG. It's so great I get to do that... really it is! haha but anyway I got sick... and I'm getting better now. I'm thinking it's more of a cold situation. There's something crazy going around right now, and I really don't appreciate it... germs take note... ain't nobody got time for that! haha.
So this picture below is really cool because in the background they are filming a commercial... like no big deal. haha. I like forget I live in Hollywood sometimes and forget that stuff like that happens here... so then randomly I walk to school and there's a commercial being filmed and I'm like... oh how awesome! haha It's pretty great. Just a little inside peek of my inner monologue for you all today. #yourwelcome :)
 This is me with my super awesome Spencer Football Team Playoff shirt. Daly's dad is the football coach at her old high school and they sent me a playoff shirt. Not going to lie I was really excited about it.... hence the picture below.
 Daly has also NEVER had Chickfila.... when I found this out I cried... well not really but I did inside. LIKE WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?! So, Wednesday that changed... because I like changing peoples lives. So we found our giftcards and went to Chickfila... and Daly's life has now been changed FOREVER. She loved it of course! Because who doesn't like Chickfila and now she's addicted! It's too great for life XD.
 This sweet girl below had a birthday this week! Britain is 3 now!! So Happy Birthday Britain!!!
 Reba, Me, and Daly at 7 Eleven one night after rehearsal getting Reba some candy to watch a movie.. you know as we do.
This picture below is probs my favorite one right now. Yes, that is me with a bowl full of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Yes, it's my mom's recipe... yes they are the best cookies ever. No, you haven't lived til you've eaten them. I've made them twice since coming to school... and to be honest I will make them SO many more times. Gosh... they are so delicious! haha. No but really I don't know what you all do on your Friday nights, but we bake cookies and watch movies. Because we are poor college students... yup.. pretty much. haha
 Daly, Marisa, Me, and Reba eating the cookie dough. :)
The picture above is me Face timing one of my favorite people ever! Landon! Really y'all.. he's kinda totally awesome. :) We have weekly facetime sessions and I'm A PRO at Face timing people these days. So this is just a photo documenting my face time sessions.
Okay... this photo... yes the one with me with a giant donut in my mouth yes. This represents the most delicious donut I've ever consumed! Literally down the street from our place there is the gourmet donut place called Kettle Glazed donuts... HEAVEN... just straight up HEAVEN. haha! Emily and Daly go every Wednesday for donuts... but I got me one today when we all went and I was so incredibly happy. Really kids... the way to my heart is a great personality, dance, and some quality food... and today that food was a really delicious donut. Thank you Kettle Glazed donuts for blessing my life today. It was greatly appreciated. haha
As you can tell this past week was full of fun and exciting things! This week I get to see my sister in law and my niece and nephew for Thanksgiving which is going to be TONS of fun! My friend Daly is going to have Thanksgiving with us so that will be an added bonus! Oh I also get to see Michael Buble in concert this Friday... and IM SO FREAKING EXCITED. Literally my life will be made Friday. I mean... IM JUST SAYING haha.
Hope everyone has a really awesome week! I only have class three days this week so that means I get a nice break for a few days before I have to be back in rehearsal on Sunday for All Cracked Up! and I can't wait! My body needs a few days to just rest... its in this mode now where it's like why do you insist on making me dance 80 hours a day and I'm like because I like to dance haha... oh I need to go to sleep. yup... that's happening right now. haha
Have a good night everyone! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Make good choices! Miss you all and Love you all!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Most Exhausting Week of My Life

So, I'm just going to tell this to all of you up front... I haven't slept for more than 3-4 hours the past two days due to filming so if anything you read sounds somewhat crazy your welcome :) haha
This week started out just like normal. Sunday I had All Cracked Up rehearsal from 10am-6pm as you all know, and then the rest of the week I just had my normal classes. I did find out what my midterms will be though.... WARNING... if you go to a "regular" college haha you will probably hate me for telling you this.... my midterms include remembering dance combinations and performing them. THATS MY MIDTERM.... how fantastic is that?! Really y'all... its pretty freaking fantastic. I told that to my best friend Bella when I skyped her... and she almost died. hahaha it was kinda really hilarious. Wuv you Bell! :)
 Monday morning I woke up and checked my email to find a picture of one of my favorite Elders! Elder Ellis!! aka... Nate the Great! He's one of my best friends and he's currently serving in Brasilia, Brazil for a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! The reason why this photo is so incredibly awesome is because of his tie! Before he left I rhinestoned a tie for him and he took it with him to Brazil! And he asked his mom aka one of my all time favorite Seminary teachers to forward this picture of him wearing it to me! Seriously though... I was SO FREAKING EXCITED to see this haha... The End... that's the end of the story :)
 So I needed to go grocery shopping... so me and my friend Andrea who you will hear more about later went together. Also... I have a confession... I LOVE icecream... with a passion... deep in my soul. And of course you can't go to the grocery store and not go down the icecream isle.... well actually you can. But what's the fun in that. haha anyways we came upon this lovely flavor and just had to have it! So we bought it and literally sat in my car and ate the ENTIRE THING... and it was SO INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS!!! Literally all it is is peanut butter icecream with peanut butter cups in it... basically HEAVEN. It's my new favorite flavor. I think everyone should have it... so you all should go get some... like.. now :)
 My big sister Shyla sent me a package this week! I LOVE MAIL! Seriously it makes my day. hahaha so this photo just shows everyone what she sent me haha you have to document such amazing things :)
 Emily has to stretch for classes so she sat in straddle and this is me coaching her through stretching for 10 minutes.... hahaha it was intense but oh so funny haha
 This is me with my Mormon girls Reba and Mikayla! We got all dressed up Friday night and went to the LA temple! We didn't go to baptisms but we did get to go into the Visitors Center that they just built and got to walk around and talk to some Sister Missionaries which was so awesome! Especially for me... considering I haven't had the chance to go to church since I moved out here due to rehearsals. We are making it a goal to go every two weeks as our schedules permit. :)
 A picture of the temple :)
 This photo is Emily doing my hair. May seem like a normal photo but actually she was doing my hair for a web-isode that I was asked to be a part of. So this entire weekend I've been in rehearsals and such learning choreography for this show and filming it. :) which has resulted in me literally not sleeping for the past two nights. My friend Andrea got asked to do it too.... so we are the main dancers in all the episodes now, and we get to sit in all the scenes and such too! 
 So Chase really likes Pinterest... I mean WHO DOESN'T? haha But she found this idea where you print out a bunch of photos and then hang them up in a heart on the wall. So we went through all of our instagram photos, got them all printed out, and Chase spent the entire afternoon the other day hanging them up in our Kitchen! Super cute right?! :) I love us so much haha
and... this is just a random photo of me and my man Bryan while we wait to start filming. It was probs the most exhausting night of my entire life but I loved it! And it's giving me some film experience and what not. :)
So pretty much this week was just a normal week here at AMDA. I learned All That Jazz from Chicago which was awesome... not gonna lie I totally OWNED it... I mean I'm just saying. haha I also finished learning the Audition Dance Scene in 42nd street in Tap this week... that was pretty awesome to learn.. man is that one a stamina builder! haha! But it's an AMAZING show... and really that's all that matters haha
so basically...this week has just been a really tiring week. Everyone is basically walking zombies but we still pull it together and dance it out because it's what we all love to do! So thankful for the opportunities I've had out here already and can't wait for more! But really right now I'm one sleep deprived dancer who desperately needs some sleep. Hence the picture below. :) This photo is of the cast of All Cracked Up right before our final rehearsal today... literally we were all asleep! It was kinda totally hilarious!
Oh the life of dance majors! But really I'm showering then going to bed... and then I'm not waking up for a really long time. haha So Love you all! Miss you all! Make good choices! And I'll update yall again next week!!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Feel Like I've Lived Here Forever

So this week was Week 3 of classes here at AMDA and it was and eventful one.... kinda. Really it was just an average week of school. By now, I've settled into my place, my classes, and have a solid group of friends. All I do all day everyday is just dance... and its the most amazing thing in the entire world. Classes are going extremely well! I'm really being pushed both in my performance quality and physically. I really am starting to feel a major improvement in my dancing and I really can't wait to see where I am at the end of the semester and at the end of the school year! 

So, something I just wanted to let everyone out there know, I may not have to take math or science, but the classes here are a force to be reckoned with. I've never thought a simple acting class full of first semesters could get so serious and deep so fast. Like things get real in class. We do these exercises/games in class to help you find connections to things in your own personal life so that you can portray the emotion needed in a scene. The exercise is way to complex for me to type but I'm telling you it was one of the most emotional classes I've ever been in, but it really helped me connect with the scene in a way that I was able to pull it off successfully, and honestly I think its really going to help me with my dancing and connecting emotionally to the pieces I'm in. I'm definitely feeling lots of growth on my part in this area and it's something I really needed to work on. So major improvement is happening in that area... so that's super exciting! :) 

So, sorry I got kinda really deep there for a sec haha but onto the photos of the week! :)  

So my roommate Miriam really wanted to go dancing... so she convinced me to go with her even though I had been dancing since 10am- 6pm.... really I couldn't pass up another opportunity to do something that I absolutely love to do, so I went with and we took this lovely photo together.... I know we are kind of adorable. #yourwelcomeboys haha 

This lovely girl pictured below is one of my all time favorite people in the entire world! I met this girl at EFY this year as she was my roommate and we became EXTREMELY close in a matter of a week. For those non-LDS readers EFY is a youth conference that 14-18 year olds can go to for a week to learn and study the scriptures and grow closer to Christ. It's really one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had and have gone every chance I could. It always amazes me how close you get to people at EFY. It's kind of crazy how you can go in not knowing anyone and at the end of the week your literally family. But nonetheless back to my point, hahaha This girl Mariel finally got her mission call! She got called to serve in the Rochester, New York mission and will report to the MTC on February 5th!! I can't explain how happy and proud of this girl I am! New York is going to gain one stellar missionary!!! 

  This picture is of me and my roommate Emily. Why is this picture important you ask? Let me tell you... I never see this girl and she never sees me. The only reason we even saw each other this particular morning was because I had a 9am technique class and she had a 9am accompanist session. Otherwise she would still be sleeping. hahaha 
Josie and I were twins at Hip Hop... so naturally we had to take a photo :) 

Family dinner at Chiptole on a Friday!!

 Me with my girl Daly!!!

 I kind of totally and completely love this photo of me, Daly, and Kyle. We needed groceries so we went to Target... you know as you do... because really who doesn't like Target. Actually if any of you for some reason don't like Target... although I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't.. lie to me and say you do. I won't even mind one bit... because really I'm not sure how well I would handle life if someone told me they didn't.haha Also we may have or may not have belted WICKED songs the entire way to and from Target today... It was pretty much the BEST THING EVER. haha 
Kyle and Daly with modeling matching sweaters!

Sometimes Daly has friends from Iowa come visit her and she invites me to go along with them, so we go get gourmet donuts, and they are DELICIOUS. Really yall I had a smores doughnut... and it was HEAVEN. Just straight up heaven. haha  

Well, that's about it for this week! I basically do the same exact thing every week so I'll try to make a point to do something funny or interesting for you all throughout the week for blogging purposes. :) Oh! I did get asked to be in a student choreography piece today! So that'll be SUPER FUN! I really can't wait. So many amazing opportunities and I'm so thankful for them all. :) 

Anyways, everyone have an amazing week! Make good choices! Miss you all and Love you all!!! Muahh!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

What Are Normal People Clothes???

Like the title of this weeks blog? Yeah my girl Daly came up with that one, and believe me you'll understand that more once we get further into the blog post. :) 

This week has been a crazy busy week. Honestly when I lived at home I thought I was one of the most busy people to ever exsist... but boy was I wrong... you don't know busy until you are a 1st semester Dance Conservatory Major in a Dance Workshop show.... YOU HAVE NO IDEA.... but I love it so incredibly much so its totally and completely okay! :) 

This week was just a pretty standard week here at AMDA. Sunday because I have the joy of being in the Dance Workshop Show I had rehearsal all day from 10am-6pm. Yes I literally danced from 10am to 6pm, with minimal breaks in between rehearsals. We learned the Tap piece, opening number, and the girls ensemble piece for the show. Not going to lie... they are looking pretty fantastic... but I'm just saying :)  The only really sucky thing about being in rehearsal all day on Sunday is that I don't get to go to church on Sunday. Which just feels really weird being that I like never miss church on Sunday. But I called my bishop and told him about my situation and he said for me to keep doing what I'm doing and to come whenever I can! So hopefully one of these Sundays I will get lucky and I'll be able to make it to at least one meeting of church. :) I did find out when Institute is.... For those non-member readers Institute is basically just a class during the week that 18-30 year olds can go to learn and study the scriptures. It's usually like an hour to an hour and a half and its fantastic... from what I hear. hahaha Hopefully I'll be able to make it this week... KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED. hahaha I really need more Mormons back in my life. haha The rest of the week was basically just taking dance classes from 9am to 6:50pm and then rehearsals from 7pm-11pm. Really, its the most fantastic thing. I feel like I say that all the time, and I'm totally sorry if I do, but it's just so great. :) 
Oh! I'm also in the Waltz of the Fleurs Variation and the Russian Variation in the show, as well as the Closing Number... obviously. haha Now, if I can just say one thing. I really thought I had some of the strongest legs. Like I took GREAT pride in my leg strength, I really thought they were one of my best qualities haha .... well friends that isn't the case anymore. We learned the Russian variation Wednesday and we do all these crazy Russian Ballet tricks... and ITS INSANE. Really, its like the hardest dance I've ever done in my entire life.... like what the french toast. haha But I'm excited for the challenge and its going to look absolutely amazing once the 9 of us get it! GET EXCITED PEOPLE. haha 

So the picture below is of me and my girl Daly... I don't know about what you all do on Friday nights, but Fridays are the only days that I get out of school at a semi decent time, which means that's the only day I have time to go get groceries... you know to get food to live.... to get food to function, and we all know how much I really love food. So funny story about this particular shopping trip. We went to Chipotle you know as we do at the end of the week because WE SURVIVED WEEK TWO and we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home. Well on our way back to our apartment the bag handles broke, Daly started gushing blood on her arm, and we were so tired. On the plus side we got told we were pretty... which was super nice... but I was so incredibly glad to be at my place. Hence my face in the picture below. hahaha I think the flamingo on the wall adds a special touch to the photo. hahahaha 

 My roommates, Miriam and Emily, are basically the coolest people to ever walk the earth. Besides my best friends Bella Cruz, and Alison Dooley. Yes, you two just got a shout out on ze good ole blog... your welcome. :) Here they are pictured ready to go to a Halloween party... no I didn't go... I went grocery shopping and memorized the Prologue to Romeo and Juliet. You know as I do. haha

 Miriam, Emily, and Chase all ready for ze Halloween Party! 
 Room 402 does Halloween parties.... well at least 2/3rds of us tdo haha

Yes, this is a picture of me holding my BROKEN IPHONE CHARGER PLUG. Really realizing that it was broken was probably the most tragic experience of my life. Good thing I was prepared and had brought another charger plug with me from home. Yeah kids... I'm one prepared cookie. :) 
 Got my first official package from home this week! I was really incredibly excited about getting this package from my mom. It had new combat boots in it, my dance magazines, and TWO GIANT PEANUT BUTTER CUPS THE SIZE OF MY FACE. Really that was probs the best part besides my combat boots.... I really needed my other pair of em... mine are starting to literally FALL APART. It's tragic #dancemajorprobz to the extreme. 
 Me in "normal people clothes" for the first time in a week at Chipotle. Daly walked in my apartment and didn't even recognize me.... its kind of really hilarious. Every one only sees me in dance clothes with my hair in a bun. Also, I would just like to say it feels really weird being in jeans and a tshirt if all you do is wear dance clothes. REALLY WEIRD. I was normal again today... for the second day in a row. It was kind of crazy! hahaha
 Me with the Giant Peanut Butter Cup!
 Daly and I went to Target today mostly so I could get a sweater and the rest of the ingredients for me to make myself some Temple Soup and my mom's Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.... really kids... they are the BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES YOU WILL EVER CONSUME IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. So the picture above is just us documenting our target trip. :) 
Also, I don't know how you all wait for your laundry to be done but I wait in laundry baskets. Really its the best way to go. Also, speaking of laundry... I'm pretty positive all I do is wash my black leos and shorts every week. I really should invest in more from discount dance. Mom... do you have any coupons? hahaha

Let's see... I'm honestly trying to think of anything exciting that I left out from this week... nope I've got nothing.... Wait I actually have something! My tap teacher told me I should and have to be on Broadway. He basically told me to aim for Broadway and not settle for anything less. Which was extremely exciting for me to hear! It's crazy! So next semester, I will be doing voice lessons on top of everything else. :) GET EXCITED PEOPLE! :)

Hope you all have a fantastic week! Make good choices! Let the Holy Spirit Guide! Send me mail! Actually you don't have to... unless you have a burning passion to. :) Love you all!! Muahhhhh!!!!!