Thursday, April 10, 2014

Midterms Round 2

This week was the week of midterms. For those of you just joining midterms at AMDA are totally and completely different than midterms at a normal college. My midterms here mostly include just performing a series of combinations that we have been working on throughout the beginning part of the semester and or doing a small project on the side. The only class we actually have to really study for is Dance History, and believe me it was an exciting one. My midterm for that class is actually tomorrow, but me and my dancer friends got together for a lovely study session... yes with cheesecake and a study game involved. Below is a photo of us studying super hard. haha. 

My friend Marisa went out with me and did a photo shoot for me for some new headshots and action shots for some auditions and such. Here's a sample of some of the ones that I got done. 

Dance Concert is going just oh so swimmingly these days. We are officially a week and a half away from performing so we have started rehearsing as a full cast. I would just like to say that I really do love the cast of this show. The people are amazing and really genuinely care about the work being presented. I really can not wait for everyone to see the show. The photo below is some of the girls in the cast this semester... all of which I love oh so much. 

All in all this week has pretty much been just midterms on top of midterms on top of rehearsals. It's been a fun week though. It's hard to believe that in two months I will be back at home in Texas. Not going to lie I am really going to miss LA when that time comes. Sorry this post is short this week, but that's about all the exciting things to share for the week. I promise next week and the week after will be a little more exciting for everyone. 

Love and Miss you all!!! 

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